We created a variety of video elements for the Phoenix Theatre‘s 2011 production of Avenue Q. Interested in using these videos in your production? Click here for more information.
Opening Video
The artwork in this video was illustrated and animated by local designer Ben Phillippe.
Alternate Purpose/Propose
Princeton’s Jobs
Five Nightstands
Fantasies Come True
Lucy The Slut EKG Animations
The rental includes a set of animations just labeled “Lucy” to use with the school edition of Avenue Q.
Around The Clock Cafe
Rent Avenue Q Videos
These videos are available for license for your own theatre’s production. Specifically, licensing includes:
- Opening Video
- Princeton’s Jobs
- Fantasies Come True
- Purpose
- Purpose Transition to Propose (two versions)
- Five Nightstands
- Commitment
- Lucy The Slut EKG Opening, EKG Loop, Flatline and Resurrection Loop
- Around the Clock Cafe Flickering Neon Sign
- Monsterssori School Slide
- Intermission and Ending Title Loops with Lights
Videos for Princeton’s Jobs and Fantasies Come True are included, and feature the MTI puppets. For an additional cost, we can help you put together a Princeton video with provided photos. We did not produce a “propose” nightmare sequence (other than the purpose/propose transition shown above).
Videos are available in either 4×3 or 16×9 format. We do not provide software or support for actual playback of the videos, but we do include a sample QLab file for playback.
Our video rental is a flat $350. Please contact Zach Rosing Productions for licensing information.